A test file with delimited Data and one of the field is amount and it arrives as a string. To be converted to float. As per camel-bindy i tried a way, but ended with same value without precesions. Input : 12345678
@DataField(name="AMT", trim=true, pos = 15 , precision=2) private BigDecimal amount;
Route: .unmarshal().bindy(BindyType.Csv, Test.class)
O/P: 12345678.00
Its not getting converted to 123456.78
Please help me with any suggestions.
Annotation @DataField provides another method implementation which supports this kind of feature,
@DataField(name="AMT", trim=true, pos = 15 , precision=2, impliedDecimalSeparator = true) private BigDecimal amount;
impliedDecimalSeparator decides the decimal position for incoming string field and converts as required.