I am looking at the answer to the following question: Insert Base64 image to pdf using pyfpdf
The answer suggested here was to override the existing load_resource
What I did instead was
class EnhancedPdf(FPDF):
def load_resource(self, reason, filename):
if reason == "image":
if filename.startswith("data"):
f = filename.split("base64,")[1]
f = base64.b64decode(f)
f = BytesIO(f)
return f
return super().load_resource(reason, filename)
However, Pycharm highlights the super call with the message "Unresolved attribute reference "load_resource" for class "FPDF"
In my command line, I ran the commands
from fpdf import FPDF
Inspecting this list, I see load_resource
function is indeed not a listed method. Hence my question is why is the load_resource
function not visible?
Most probably you are using Python 3.x where x >= 5 .
On the pypi it says that the module has only experimental support for python 3.y where y <= 4 .
Try it with python 2.7 and it might work.
PS: Better try https://pypi.org/project/fpdf2/, the updated version. For bugs or issues see https://github.com/alexanderankin/pyfpdf .
If you really want to use the old version, you can install whatever version you want from the original repo like this
pip install git+https://github.com/reingart/pyfpdf@<branchname of tag or commit>