I'm quite new to lambda expression of Java 8
I tried the following and get compile error
class Test{
static interface MySupplier {
Object supply();
public static void main(String[] args) {
Object v = value();
if (v instanceof MySupplier) {
v = ((MySupplier) v).supply();
static Object value() {
// return () -> "this line will NOT get compiled."; //Error: incompatible types: Object is not a functional interface ???
// return (Object)(() -> "this line will NOT get compiled, too."); //Error: incompatible types: Object is not a functional interface ???
return new MySupplier() {
public Object supply() {
return "using inner class will work but lambda expression it not";
my question is "could it be possible to use lambda expression as normal object. I want to do some thing like
static Object value(Object v) {
if (v instanceof MySupplier) {
return ((MySupplier) v).supply();
return v;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// if some case
Object v1 = value("value 1");
// else if some other case
Object v1 = value(() -> {
//do some stuff
return "value 2";
I did a lot of search but no luck. Is there any workaround? thanks in advance!
update: after having better understanding about lambda expression, the problem is how to let the compiler know the target-type of lambda expression to compile to. so the answer from ernest_k could be improve as
return (MySupplier) () -> "this line will work";
You can't directly return your lambda expression like that. This is because a lambda expression's target type must be a functional interface.
You are currently creating your lambda expression in the context of a method's return statement, which means that the type of the lambda expression is that method's return type. This is not allowed:
Object supplier = () -> "this line will get COMPILE-ERROR. -> ?????????"; //NO
That's because the target type (Object
) is not a functional interface. It's for the same reason that this is not allowed
static Object value() {
return () -> "this line will get COMPILE-ERROR. -> ?????????"; //No
If you really want to do what you are trying to do, which is something you should avoid, you can do it indirectly:
static Object value() {
MySupplier mySupplier = () -> "this line will get COMPILE-ERROR. -> ?????????";
return mySupplier;
But you should not need to do this, and having MySupplier
as the return type makes this code clean.