I am trying to modify a file with sed but I get an error I do not understand:
sed: -e expression #1, char 0: no previous regular expression
sed -e 's/^/"asset\//' example.txt
Example file:
sed is from msys2:
which sed
sed is an external : C:\msys64\usr\bin\sed.exe
When adding text to the end of each line the following works as expected:
sed -e 's/$/",/' y.txt
I am at a lost to understand what is wronghere.
EDIT(solution on cygwin): Try following on cygwin sed
, just tested on a system and it worked fine from command prompt. While using '
single quotes with sed
I am getting same error what OP is getting but while using "
in sed
I am able to get correct behavior of sed
(expected one, to add "
before each line)
sed -E "s/^/\"/" Input_file
EDIT2(taken reference from tripleee's comments): You could also save your sed command into a file named file
with command s/^/\"/
then run the sed
code by doing, tested it successfully with cygwin sed
sed -f file Input_file
Alternate solution(tested and works on cygwin): I don't have cygwin with me so couldn't test on it, though your mentioned solution works fine for BASH. Could you please try following another approach once? I just tested this solution too on cygwin and it worked fine there (EDIT comment).
sed 's/\(.*\)/"\1/' Input_file