I want to convert latitude 41.40338, longitude 2.17403 and to the following format
41 24.2028, 2 10.4418
I want to convert dd to dmm format as above
41.40338 and 2.17403 are degrees and decimals of degree.
41 24.2028, 2 10.4418 are in degrees, minutes and decimals of minutes.
So, you get the decimal part of 41.40338 which is 0.40338 and multiply it by 60: 0.40338 * 60 = 24.2028
and 0.17403 * 60 = 10.4418
That numbers are the minutes and decimal minutes of the latitude and longitude.
The code could be something like:
private String transformCoord(double coord) {
int intPart = (int) coord;
double decimalPart = (coord - intPart);
return "" + intPart + " " + (decimalPart * 60);
And you should call transformCoord with the latitude and the longitude as double to get the values you want as string
String desiredCoord = transformCoord(41.40338) + ", " + transformCoord(2.17403);