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json_normalize: AttributeError list obj has no attribute 'value'

I'm working with JSON data from an API response. I'm using python to send a GET request with data on an address. I want to capture the JSON response and convert to a dataframe.

Currently I capture the responses in a list of dictionaries. I can successfully use json_normalize on r.json or sample_list[0], but cannot normalize the entire list. I'm trying to avoid creating and appending the df in the loop for performance.

sample_list = []
for index, row in sample_df.iterrows():
    sample_address = json.dumps(
            "records": [
                    "attributes": {
                    "OBJECTID": row['OBJECTID'],
                    "Address": row['Address'],
                    "City": row['City'],
                    "Region": row['Region'],
                    "Postal": row['Postal']

    r = re.get(url, params = { 'addresses': sample_address, 'f':'pjson'},verify = False)


###The Output of r.json for one address

{'locations': [{'address': '2600 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19130',..., 'score': 100}], 'spatialReference': {'latestWkid': 4326, 'wkid': 4326}}

###The sample_list of multiple r.json output
[[{'address': '520 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19106',
   'attributes': {'AddNum': '520',
   'location': {'x': -75.14971142634045, 'y': 39.94905972672609},
   'score': 100}],
 [{'address': '2600 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19130',
   'attributes': {'AddNum': '2600',
   'location': {'x': -75.17923104567541, 'y': 39.96474536190999},
   'score': 100}]]


  • In sample_list.append(r.json()['locations']) just try 'json_normalize' instead of 'r.json'.