I'm reading Logical Foundation book. It introduces this Fixpoint and this Theorem:
Fixpoint optimize_0plus (a:aexp) : aexp :=
match a with
| APlus (ANum 0) e2 => optimize_0plus e2
| APlus e1 e2 => APlus (optimize_0plus e1) (optimize_0plus e2)
| AMinus e1 e2 => AMinus (optimize_0plus e1) (optimize_0plus e2)
| AMult e1 e2 => AMult (optimize_0plus e1) (optimize_0plus e2)
| _ => a
Theorem optimize_0plus_sound:
forall a st,
aeval st (optimize_0plus a) = aeval st a.
I decided to define another optimization on bexp with sound theorem:
Fixpoint opt_b (b : bexp) : bexp :=
match b with
| BEq a1 a2 => BEq (optimize_0plus a1) (optimize_0plus a2)
| BLe a1 a2 => BLe (optimize_0plus a1) (optimize_0plus a2)
| BNot b => BNot (opt_b b)
| BAnd BTrue b2 => (opt_b b2)
| BAnd BFalse _ => BFalse
| BAnd b1 b2 => BAnd (opt_b b1) (opt_b b2)
| _ => b
Theorem opt_b_sound:
forall b st,
beval st (opt_b b) = beval st b.
Then I introduced another optimization on Imp comand (using the previously optimizations):
Fixpoint opt_c (c : com) : com :=
match c with
| CAss x a => CAss x (optimize_0plus a)
| CSeq c1 c2 => CSeq (opt_c c1) (opt_c c2)
| CIf b c1 c2 => CIf (opt_b b) (opt_c c1) (opt_c c2)
| CWhile b c => CWhile (opt_b b) (opt_c c)
| _ => c
Now I have to demonstrate this opt_c sound theorem, but I'm not able to close it:
Theorem opt_c_sound:
forall c st st',
ceval c st st' <-> ceval (opt_c c) st st'.
intros. induction H; simpl.
- constructor.
- constructor. rewrite optimize_0plus_sound. assumption.
- apply E_Seq with st'; assumption.
- apply E_IfTrue.
+ rewrite opt_b_sound. assumption.
+ assumption.
- apply E_IfFalse.
+ rewrite opt_b_sound. assumption.
+ assumption.
- apply E_WhileFalse. rewrite opt_b_sound. assumption.
- apply E_WhileTrue with st'.
+ rewrite opt_b_sound. assumption.
+ assumption.
+ simpl in IHceval2. assumption.
generalize dependent st'.
generalize dependent st.
induction c; intros; inversion H; subst.
- constructor.
- rewrite optimize_0plus_sound. constructor. trivial.
- apply E_Seq with st'0.
+ apply IHc1 in H2. assumption.
+ apply IHc2 in H5. assumption.
- apply E_IfTrue.
+ rewrite opt_b_sound in H5. assumption.
+ apply IHc1 in H6. assumption.
- apply E_IfFalse.
+ rewrite opt_b_sound in H5. assumption.
+ apply IHc2 in H6. assumption.
- apply E_WhileFalse. rewrite opt_b_sound in H4. assumption.
- apply E_WhileTrue with st'0.
+ rewrite opt_b_sound in H2. assumption.
+ apply IHc in H3. assumption.
+ (* I'm blocked here *)
How can I close this Theorem?
The problem is that you are performing induction on c
, which doesn't yield a useful induction hypothesis for the WhileTrue
case. To solve this issue, you need to perform induction on ceval (opt_c c) st st'
with the remember
remember (opt_c c) as c'.
generalize dependent c.
induction H.