How I can sample a dtm? I trying a lot of code but return me the same error
Error in dtm[splitter, ] : incorrect number of dimensions
This is the code:
n <- dtm$nrow
splitter <- sample(1:n, round(n * 0.75))
train_set <- dtm[splitter, ]
valid_set <- dtm[-splitter, ]
You can use the quanteda package for this. See example below:
Created data example based on the crude data set from tm:
crude <- as.VCorpus(crude)
crude <- tm_map(crude, stripWhitespace)
crude <- tm_map(crude, removePunctuation)
crude <- tm_map(crude, content_transformer(tolower))
crude <- tm_map(crude, removeWords, stopwords("english"))
crude <- tm_map(crude, stemDocument)
dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(crude)
# Transform your dtm into a dfm for quanteda
my_dfm <- as.dfm(dtm)
# number of documents
[1] 20
# create training
train_set <- dfm_sample(my_dfm,
size = round(ndoc(my_dfm) * 0.75), # set sample size
margin = "documents")
# create test set by select the documents that do not match the documents in the training set.
test_set <- dfm_subset(my_dfm, !docnames(my_dfm) %in% docnames(train_set))
# number of documents in train
[1] 15
# number of documents in test
[1] 5
Afterwards you can use the quanteda function convert
to convert your train and test sets to be used with topicmodels, lda, lsa, etc. See ?convert
for more info.