I have an app with 2 image views. each one randomly displays an image of a dice face (from 1 to 6), the end results looks like the simulation of a dice toss for a player and for the computer.
it looks like this :
I have an array that contains the names for each image that is displayed :
let des: Array = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six"]
I also have a function that randomizes the image that is displayed for the 2 players
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5) {
self.dicePlayer.image = UIImage(named: self.des.randomElement() ?? "one")
self.diceComputer.image = UIImage(named: self.des.randomElement() ?? "two")
// on appelle la fonction qui gere les scores
I would like to make comparison between those 2 tosses (i.e : if player one dice toss is superior to player 2 toss, then the player wins and vice versa).
I would recommend storing the two tosses as human readable Int
values. Add these properties to your class:
var playerToss = 1
var computerToss = 1
Then modify your function like this:
func lancerDeDes() {
self.playerToss = Int.random(in: 1...6)
self.computerToss = Int.random(in: 1...6)
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5) {
// subtract 1 because des array is indexed 0...5 not 1...6
self.dicePlayer.image = UIImage(named: self.des[self.playerToss - 1])
self.diceComputer.image = UIImage(named: self.des[self.computerToss - 1])
// on appelle la fonction qui gere les scores
Then you can just compare playerToss
and computerToss
if self.playerToss > self.computerToss {
// the player wins!
Storing the values as Int
will aid you in debugging in addition to making the comparison easier.
Magic Numbers
In your program, I think it is clear what 6
represents. In general though it is wise to avoid magic numbers (uncommented numbers) in your code. So you could write the rolls as:
self.playerToss = Int.random(in: des.indices) + 1
self.computerToss = Int.random(in: des.indices) + 1
By using des.indices
to obtain the range 0...5
from the des
array, you ensure that the code would work correctly even if the number of values in the des
array changed.
I personally would still store the rolls in the range 1...6
for debugging purposes, but you could avoid the + 1
and - 1
by storing the rolls in the range 0...5