I was trying to taste R2dbc and using Embedded H2 like:
public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
//ConnectionFactory factory = ConnectionFactories.get("r2dbc:h2:mem:///test?options=DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE");
return new H2ConnectionFactory(
And I defined a bean to create tables and init data.
public ConnectionFactoryInitializer initializer(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
ConnectionFactoryInitializer initializer = new ConnectionFactoryInitializer();
CompositeDatabasePopulator populator = new CompositeDatabasePopulator();
populator.addPopulators(new ResourceDatabasePopulator(new ClassPathResource("schema.sql")));
populator.addPopulators(new ResourceDatabasePopulator(new ClassPathResource("data.sql")));
return initializer;
And I also defined another Component to set up data by java codes.
class DataInitializer {
private final DatabaseClient databaseClient;
public DataInitializer(DatabaseClient databaseClient) {
this.databaseClient = databaseClient;
@EventListener(value = ContextRefreshedEvent.class)
public void init() {
log.info("start data initialization ...");
//.nullValue("id", Integer.class)
.value("title", "First post title")
.value("content", "Content of my first post")
.map((r, m) -> r.get("id", Integer.class))
.subscribe(null, null, () -> log.info("initialization done..."));
If I used .inMemory("testdb")
in the ConnectionFactory
bean definition, when the Spring ApplicationContext
is initialized, it failed because can not find table POSTS
when initializing DataInitializer
. From the startup logging, ConnectionFactoryInitializer
is initialized successfully, and table POSTS is created and data is inserted as expected by executing the schema.sql and data.sql.
But switching to use .file("./testdb")
, it worked.
The complete code is here.
I got the answer from Spring Data R2dc developer, @mp911de. see #issue269
The issue is related to H2‘s behavior to close the database when the last connection gets closed. Please configure the DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1 option so H2 retains the database. Alternatively, use the H2ConnextionFactory.inMemory(...) factory method to create a Closeable connection factory that does not depend on the in-use connection count.
Change my codes to the following, it works:
public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
return H2ConnectionFactory.inMemory("testdb");