My api is running net core 3.0 with Swashbuckle.AspNetCore 5.0.0-rc5
When I run autorest on my generated swagger.json file I get:
swagger.json is not a valid OpenAPI 2.0 definition (expected 'swagger: 2.0')
My swagger.json file does indeed say "openapi": "3.0.1". It used to be v2.0 but since I upgraded to net core 3.0 I had to upgrade Swashbuckle which now creates the json file with v3.0.1
I ran "choco install autorest" so I should be running the latest version
If autorest doesn't support openapi3.0 there must still surely be a way to generate an openapi2.0 json file?
Followed this thread, auto rest doesn’t support latest open api yet but there are workarounds
You can do this:
app.UseSwagger(o => o.SerializeAsV2 = true);