I'm trying to create a container from a docker image for a project I'm working on (project sidewalk). The container spins up correctly except for the last step where it gives me this error:
Creating projectsidewalk-db ... error
ERROR: for projectsidewalk-db Cannot create container for service db: invalid volume specification: 'C:\Users\johns\OneDrive\documents\GitHub\sidewalkwebpage\db\init.sh:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sh:rw':
invalid mount config for type "bind": source path must be a directory
ERROR: for db Cannot create container for service db: invalid volume specification: 'C:\Users\johns\OneDrive\documents\GitHub\sidewalkwebpage\db\init.sh:/docker-entrypoint initdb.d/init.sh:rw':
invalid mount config for type "bind": source path must be a directory
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
make: *** [docker-up-db] Error 1
I've looked on other Stack Overflow threads and I've tried the fix where I create a new variable COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS
and set it equal to one, but it didn't work. I was wondering if anyone knows how to fix this problem.
You cannot mount files on Windows, only directories are permitted. There was an issue for this in moby
which was closed unresolved, because this is actually a limitation of Windows, not Docker: https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/30555#issuecomment-279170073.
Wrapping up:
I guess you have something like this in your docker-compose.yml
- .\db\init.sh:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sh:rw
it should be this instead:
- .\db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/:rw