This is related to this question.
I got the app to be picked up and published by Github Pages by creating the gh-pages branch before running the deploy.
After deploying the app did become available on the domain:
The base
attribute of index.html
is set to:
<base href="">
It looks like all the angular resources are loading, however the app is not rendering.
Any ideas?
I figured this out and I'm leaving the question just for as a reference for others.
When I test locally with ng serve -o
the app compiles and serves fine.
When I test with ng serve -o --prod=true
the app says that it compiles successfully, but it does not initialize so all we see is a white screen. This is not really related to github pages.
Filed a bug report with Angular CLI here:
I'm not sure how helpful this is but I've previously had issues with github pages not loading my css files because the path to them changed when going from local to hosted on it. I fixed it by modifying the path with just adding or removing a / or ./ in the front of the link. I don't know angular but maybe some path somewhere is changed?