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How to use boost program_options to consume/remove an option in ARGV after usage

Currently, our codebase is using boost program_options as command-line parser in our testing framework. I want to implement a "consume-after-use" kind of rule in our command-line parsing.

What I mean by "consume-after-use" is, for example. After --option1 is used, I can then remove this --option1 in ARGC, ARGV. The main reason for this is I want to pass ARGC, and ARGV in another parser after I use the options I'm only concerned with.

Is this possible in boost program_option?


  • As you can read here the boost::program_options::variables_map inherites from std::map, so you can call std::map:erase on it:

    namespace po = boost::program_options;
    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::parse_command_line(ac, av, desc), vm);
    if (vm.count("option1")) {
        // handle option1
        // erase option1
        if (vm.count("option1")) {
          // never gonna happen