I have a SQL that uses REGEXP_LIKE function in the where clause, now i need the equivalent of that function which will run in Oracle 8i.
The regex look like this:
where REGEXP_LIKE(parm, '^[PMF][[:digit:]]+[_].*')
Thanks in advance.
You could try
WHERE SUBSTR(parm,1,1) IN ('P','M','F')
AND substr(parm,2,1) between '0' and '9'
AND substr(ltrim(substr(parm,2),'0123456789'),1,1) = '_'
First character is P, M or F. Second character is a digit Second character onwards, stripping all the digits from the left, should start with underscore
PS. Please shoot your 8i database. Not only is 8i out of support, 9i and 10g are also out of support (or at least they are in the 'degraded, please stop using them' level of support).