I've got the following Graphviz cluster with > 100 nodes rendered as a list, which looks pretty sloppy.
I want to make this cluster to look like a table with n columns and k rows. Here is an example of how diagram should look like:
Does anybody have an idea how to achieve the desired result? Here's code I wrote trying to reproduce diagram above:
main = GraphViz.new(:G, rankdir: "TB")
rows = gets.to_i
columns = gets.to_i
1.upto(rows) do |row|
row_graph = GraphViz.new("#{row}_row", rankdir: "LR")
1.upto(columns) do |column|
node_num = column + columns * (row - 1)
row_graph.add_node("node_#{row}#{column}", label: "Node #{node_num}", shape: "box")
main.output(png: "table_graph.png")
Found a solution:
digraph {
node [shape=box width=1]
{rank=same Node1 Node2 Node3 Node4}
{rank=same Node5 Node6 Node7 Node8}
{rank=same Node9 Node10 Node11 Node12}
Node1 -> Node5 -> Node9 [style=invis]
corresponding ruby code can be generated by dot2ruby