I'm trying to write a program that will play MP3's. This program will also have a GUI. In order to allow both to happen simultaneously I'm implementing threading. However, I've run into a problem. Whenever I run my program everything executes normally, except no sound comes out. No errors nothing. It's as if the command was skipped. Through process of elimination I believe I've found the problem is caused when I run the music playing portion of the program from within a thread (self.MP.controls.play()).
Is anyone familiar with other modules that will allow me to play music within a thread? Or is anyone aware of what may be causing the problem?
import GUIThread as GUIT # GUIThread is just an interface I made for the threading module, just act as if it was threading.
from win32com.client import Dispatch
class Test :
def __init__ (self) :
self.Dir = r'song.mp3'
self.Thread = GUIT.Thread(self, func=self.play_song, loop=False)
self.MP = Dispatch('WMPlayer.OCX')
song = self.MP.newMedia(self.Dir)
def start (self) :
# Starts the thread.
# Equivalent to :
# t = threading.Thread(target=self.play_song)
# t.start()
def play_song (self) :
# This whole function is done within the thread.
if self.Dir != None :
print self.Dir
def protocol (self, val0, val1) :
# Ignore this it's unrelated
T = Test()
This is in Windows 7, BTW.
Edit: Also, I'm going to be using Tkinter for the GUI toolkit.