I am running kafka locally on a windows machine. The way I am running kafka is using
.\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\server.properties
The server.properties are:
I am running kafkacat using docker
docker run -it --network="host" --name="producer" confluentinc/cp-kafkacat bash
When I run
kafkacat -b host.docker.internal:9092 -C -t test
I get the error message:
% ERROR: Local: Broker transport failure: Connect to ipv4# failed: Connection refused (after 0ms in state CONNECT)
I understand that I can run Kafka in docker but I would like to know why I cannot connect to the broker and produce or consume messages. I tried different things and tried to understand what the listeners do but I couldn't wrap my head around why this doesn't work.
When I do
kafkacat -b host.docker.internal:9092 -t test -L
I get
1 brokers:
broker 0 at
1 topics:
topic "test" with 1 partitions:
partition 0, leader 0, replicas: 0, isrs: 0
Maybe someone can explain what am I doing wrong or tell me why this is not possible.
I downloaded the latest version of Kafka: kafka-2.4 Machine is Windows 10 Docker for Windows running using Linux containers
You need to set host.docker.internal:9092
as an advertised listener. Not localhost /
That's the address that clients will be returned when trying to connect
When you do that, you should be able to see this
1 brokers:
broker 0 at host.docker.internal:9092
Otherwise, as you can tell, the bootstrap connection worked, but the advertised address is going to be to reach that specific broker, which obviously doesn't work because that would be the kafkacat container itself
Note: --network="host"
doesn't do what you expect outside of a Linux host machine, so you're best off removing it