I want to set a uint8_t* in a C struct using Go. The data in Go comes from and ELF and is a byte slice. This is the error I currently get:
cannot use &buf[0] (type *byte) as type *_Ctype_uchar in assignment
using this code:
args.vm_snapshot_data = &buf[0]
How do I do it?
When I use the proper cast:
args.vm_snapshot_data = (*C.uint8_t)(&buf[0])
I get this error:
panic: runtime error: cgo argument has Go pointer to Go pointer
Golang count types rather than compatibility of them. And there's only one method to cast over the place it's using unsafe.Pointer
as original value.
args.vm_snapshot_data = (*C.uint8_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))
If you’re not sure if buf slice will be alive on the Go side (garbage collector might dispose it) at the time when C side using it, then you have to use copy and dispose it manually.
args.vm_snapshot_data = (*C.uint8_t)(C.CBytes(buf))