TL;DR: {OIDC:ClientId} is always the calling Application. I also need to know the "audience" application. Is there a claim resolver for this?
In more detail:
Here's the problem:
I have considered using the {OIDC:scopes} claim resolver to solve this issue. That might work, but it seems a little like a hack. Are there any better options?
Per this document, it appears that {OIDC:scopes}
is the only available option for this. And with some further thought, that makes sense, since some scopes might be requested that are outside the current tenant (Microsoft Graph API, for instance). In that case, it would not be possible to supply a clientId for the target application.
is a single string with all of the requested scopes separated by spaces. To detect when an access token is being generated for a different application than the current one, a simple string search on the scopes field is sufficient. If the App ID URI of an application is present in the scopes string, an access token is being requested for that application.