I am trying to do some interplay between R shiny apps. I've got my first output ([1] list, [2] data.frame & [3] data.frame) from my first App. I want to use it for applying new funtions in a new app that will end up being my final dashboard. Thing is, now that objects are non reactive in the global enviroment, they are all type of list, even tho I use as.data.frame function (as you may see below). I don't know if that might be the reason, but I just find it wrong, and it isn't being found inside my server function. Any idea why?
# --------------------------------------- Global --------------------------------------- #
# Set working directory -> Ctrl+Shift+H & Open the app folder
setwd("~/Programación en R/Shiny app/Client dashboard app")
# --------------------- Initialize program --------------------- #
# Print in console: global script is beginning to run
# Allow specific errors to be displayed on screen, instead of displaying a generic error
options(shiny.sanitize.errors = FALSE)
# Load needed packages
# Load LDA model outcome, topic names & raw data
model <- readRDS("LDA_output.2020-01-02.rds")
lda_model <<- model[[1]][1]
dtm <<- as.data.frame(as.matrix(model[[1]][2]))
doc_top_dist <<- as.data.frame(as.matrix(model[[1]][3]));doc_top_dist <- doc_top_dist[[1]][[1]]
top10_lamda0 <<- as.data.frame(as.matrix(model[[2]]))
full_data <<- as.data.frame(as.matrix(model[[3]]))
#--------------------------------------- User Interface ---------------------------------------#
ui <- fluidPage(
theme = shinytheme("cerulean"),
#--- Home Tab (Global View)
tabPanel("Global View",
), #tabPanel - Global View
) #tabPanel -
) #navbarPage
) #fluidPage
#--------------------------------------- Server ---------------------------------------#
server <- function(input, output, session) {
reactive({ #Gathering important variables in one only data set
dtd <- doc_top_dist
highest <- apply(dtd, 1, which.max) #set highest prob topic
swap <<- function(vec, from, to) {
tmp <- to[ match(vec, from) ]
tmp[is.na(tmp)] <- vec[is.na(tmp)]
topic_names <<- colnames(top10_lamda0)
topic <- swap(highest , 1:length(topic_names), topic_names)
dtd <- cbind(topic,dtd) #+ max topic
dtd$id <- as.character(1:nrow(dtd)) #+ id column
vars <- cbind(data$year, data$Ultimate.Parent, data$id, data$IP.Cost, data$Publication.Country)
colnames(vars) <- c("year", "parent", "id", "cost", "country") #+ important variables
dtd <- merge(vars, dtd, by = "id")
dtd <<- as.data.frame(dtd)
output$mela2 <- DT::renderDataTable({
DT::datatable(full_data, options = list(pageLength = 3, lengthMenu = c(3,30,60)))
output$mela1 <- DT::renderDataTable({
DT::datatable(dtd, options = list(pageLength = 3, lengthMenu = c(3,30,60)))
shinyApp(ui, server)
full_data is working alright but dtd is giving Warning: Error in crosstalk::is.SharedData: object 'dtd' not found
[No stack trace available]
only has scope within the reactive
expression so it is not visible to renderDataTable
. Add dtd <- NULL
before the reactive
to create a dtd
variable in the scope of the server