Looking for recommendation of a library in Python(first preference) or NodeJS that can generate a pdf file preferably from dynamic html template to be run in AWS. Requirement is to generate invoice pdf to be sent to customers.
Have come across below 2 Node libraries:
Here we might have to deal with numbers for X and Y.
Better approach would be something where we can simply use html/css to generate template with placeholders which can be replaced with dynamic data(coming from database query). Any suggestions would be appreciated.
This approach worked for me in Python using below libraries:
Jinja2 - for generating HTML with custom data
xhtml2pdf - for generating PDF from HTML
Consider within your PROJECT DIR, there is a template file(invoice.html) and python file(pdf_generator.py)
from xhtml2pdf import pisa
import jinja2
templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath="./")
templateEnv = jinja2.Environment(loader=templateLoader)
TEMPLATE_FILE = "invoice.html"
template = templateEnv.get_template(TEMPLATE_FILE)
# This data can come from database query
body = {
"order_id": 123,
"order_creation_date": "2020-01-01 14:14:52",
"company_name": "Test Company",
"city": "Mumbai",
"state": "MH",
# This renders template with dynamic data
sourceHtml = template.render(json_data=body["data"])
outputFilename = "invoice.pdf"
# Utility function
def convertHtmlToPdf(sourceHtml, outputFilename):
# open output file for writing (truncated binary)
resultFile = open(outputFilename, "w+b")
# convert HTML to PDF
pisaStatus = pisa.CreatePDF(
src=sourceHtml, # the HTML to convert
dest=resultFile) # file handle to receive result
# close output file
# return True on success and False on errors
print(pisaStatus.err, type(pisaStatus.err))
return pisaStatus.err
if __name__ == "__main__":
convertHtmlToPdf(sourceHtml, outputFilename)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
Name: {{ json_data.company_name }} <br>
City/State: {{ json_data.city }}, {{ json_data.state }} <br>
Date: {{ json_data.order_creation_date }} <br>
Order ID: {{ json_data.order_id }} <br>