I have a macro to select slides, with required text, to move to a new presentation.
I have to extract 70-80 slides from a 500+ slides presentation. But I need to enter VB/Module to change the keywords/search text in the array. Is there a way I can move the text entered in the userform to the array (text)?
Userform to enter the keywords.
How do I link the text entered with the array list in the code?
Sub selct()
Dim pres1 As PowerPoint.Presentation, pres2 As PowerPoint.Presentation,
pp As Object
Set pp = GetObject(, "PowerPoint.Application")
Set pres1 = pp.ActivePresentation
Set pres2 = pp.Presentations.Add
Dim i As Long, n As Long
Dim TargetList
'~~> Array of terms to search for
TargetList = Array("Agenda", "Review", "third", "etc")
'~~> Loop through each slide
For Each sld In pres1.Slides
'~~> Loop through each shape
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
'~~> Check if it has text
If shp.HasTextFrame Then
Set txtRng = shp.TextFrame.TextRange
For i = 0 To UBound(TargetList)
'~~> Find the text
Set rngFound = txtRng.Find(TargetList(i))
'~~~> If found
Do While Not rngFound Is Nothing
'~~> Set the marker so that the next find starts from here
n = rngFound.Start + 1
'~~> Chnage attributes
With rngFound.Font
.Bold = msoFalse
'~~> Find Next instance
Set rngFound = txtRng.Find(TargetList(i), n)
End With
End If
End Sub
The form objects are accessible even when the form is not shown, like this: Suppose you have a form with name UF1
with a textbox named TBforKeyWord
, then you can access the textbox value at UF1.TBforKeyWord
, so you might
Redim Preserve TargetList(Ubound(TargetList) + 1)
TargetList(Ubound(TargetList) = UF1.TBforKeyWord
The logic is the same if you let the user enter multiple keywords but then you need to work a bit more on splitting (and parsing) the keywords.
Dim text_array() As String
text_array = Split(SearchBox.Value, " ")
Dim iDimOld As Long
Dim iDimNew As Long
Dim i As Long
iDimOld = Ubound(TargetList)
iDimNew = iDimOld + Ubound(text_array) + 1
Redim Preserve TargetList(iDimNew)
' Loop through each keyword in array
For i = 0 To Ubound(text_array)
TargetList(iDimOld + i + 1) = text_array(i)