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How to escape stable pattern in conway's game of life?

I built conway's game of life and its working fine but my game after many generations is either ending with no lives or reaching a stable pattern which it can't escape.

For example I have followed these rules

Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if by underpopulation. 
         (live_cell = True and neighourhood < 2)
Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation. 
         (live_cell = True and neighourhood == 2 or neighourhood == 3)
Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation. 
         (live_cell = True and neighourhood > 3)
Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction. 
         (live_cell = False and neighourhood == 3)

This is my game of life matrix where 1 is life and 0 not


and this is its corresponding neighbourhood maps created by my programe


After reaching this pattern even after thousands of generation its still stuck in this pattern itself. I dont know how to escape this pattern ?


  • If the space is finite, then the number of possible configurations is finite and then the GoL will end either in a stable pattern or in a loop. If the space is very small (as it looks like) then you will observe only stupid behavior. You need at least to use a much bigger space (500x500), fill it with 1's at many places and look; that is the basic play with GoL. The next step is to build interesting configurations, and there exists a lot that have been discovered over time, for examples see GoL Pattern Library. Basic well-known patterns are gliders, glider-guns, oscillators... You will discover that GoL is in fact a very interesting way of programming: the initial configuration is a program code executed by the machine that you can see evolving on your screen. But that programming is not so easy, especially if you want to obtain a specific behavior!