I want to rotate my triangle around his own axis, but It´s rotating around the camera. I have to code from a tutorial, the only differenc is, that I´m using C instead of C++. So I have to use the "cglm"-lib instead of the "glm"-lib. (I´m also using glut and glad)
globally defined:
mat4 model;
mat4 projection;
mat4 view;
mat4 modelViewProj;
In the main:
glm_mat4_identity(model); //Einheitsmatrix
glm_scale(model, (vec3) {1.2f, 1.2f, 1.2f});
glm_perspective(glm_rad(45.0f), 4.0f/3.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f, projection);
glm_translate(view, (vec3) {0, 0, -5.0f});
glm_mat4_mul(model, projection, modelViewProj);
glm_mat4_mul(modelViewProj, view, modelViewProj);
modelMatrixLocation = glGetUniformLocation(shader1.shaderId, "u_modelViewProj");
In the loop:
//In the void display()
glUniformMatrix4fv(modelMatrixLocation,1, GL_FALSE, &modelViewProj[0][0]);
//In the void update() ->glutTimerFunc()
glm_rotate(model, 0.08f, (vec3){0, 1, 0});
glm_mat4_mul(model, projection, modelViewProj);
glm_mat4_mul(modelViewProj, view, modelViewProj);
The order of the matrix multiplications is wrong.
It has to be:
modelViewProj = projection * view * model;
In C:
glm_mat4_mul(view, model, modelViewProj);
glm_mat4_mul(projection, modelViewProj, modelViewProj);
Note, void glm_mat4_mul(mat4 m1, mat4 m2, mat4 dest)
dest = m1 * m2;
Matrix multiplication is not Commutative (in compare to Arithmetic Multiplication). The order matters.