I have to work with a very complex code in C++ (a language that I don't know), I am taking some online courses online to learn the language, but I am also going through the code to see if I can make some sense of it. The problem is that I don't know what the colors on the theme mean.
The code looks like this:
I understand some of the colors: Blue: variable types Green: Comments Orange: Printable text white: functions, variables, etc. The problem is with the colors Grey, Pink and Cyan. I don't know what they represent.
I am using Microsoft Visual Studio, and the color theme is "Dark".
You can check its meaning by entering (in Microsoft Visual Studio) to:
Tools > Options > Enviroment > Fonts and Colors
Check the "Display Items" and select the C++ items - you'll get its meaning "in color",
For example: C++ Macros are shown in a light purple.