I am using OpenHtmlToPdf. Is it possible to add 1 page as last page of document. I have read all document but found noting.
The following is the same code to generate pdf document.
string html = Utils.ReadFile(@"C:\inetpub\wwwroot\pdf.html");
html = html.Replace("###BODY###", "DYNAMIC CONTENT");
var pdf = Pdf
.WithTitle("PDF Report With Logo")
.WithObjectSetting("header.htmlUrl", "http://localhost/header.htm")
.WithObjectSetting("footer.htmlUrl", "http://localhost/footer.htm")
.WithObjectSetting("web.defaultEncoding", "utf-8")
If your last page is also based on html, you can add a page brake to your final html and then add page itself:
html += $"<div style=\"page-break-after: always;\"></div>{your_last_page}";