I am trying to use the restriction of if(key == Key.left or key == Key.up):
to log into log.txt only the keys Key.up
and Key.left
. I wanted to add a dictionary so that Key.up
is U and Key.left is L. Since then I have a error: when I use keylogger.py it says File "keylogger.py", line 27, in writeLog keydata = keydata.replace("'", "") UnboundLocalError: local variable 'keydata' referenced before assignment
. And when I use keylogger2.py if(key == Key.left or key == Key.up):
it doesn't cause restriction that I wanted.
from pynput.keyboard import Listener, Key
#setting the log file location
logFile = "/home/diego/log.txt"
def writeLog(key):
'' '
This function will be responsible for receiving the key pressed.
via Listener and write to log file
'' '
# dictionary with keys to translate
translate_keys = {
"Key.up": "U",
"Key.left": "L",
if(key == Key.left or key == Key.up):
#convert the keystroke to string
keydata = str(key)
#removing single quotes delimiting characters
keydata = keydata.replace("'", "")
for key in translate_keys:
#key gets dictionary key translate_keys
#replace key with its value (translate_keys [key])
keydata = keydata.replace(key, translate_keys[key])
#open the log file in append mode
with open(logFile, "a") as f:
#open the Keyboard Listener and listen for the on_press event
#when the on_press event occurs, call the writeLog function
with Listener(on_press=writeLog) as l:
keylogger2.py modified with dictionary inserted
from pynput.keyboard import Listener, Key
logFile = "/home/diego/log.txt"
def writeLog(key):
translate_keys = {
"Key.up": "U",
"Key.left": "L",
if(key == Key.left or key == Key.up):
keydata = str(key)
keydata = keydata.replace("'", "")
for key in translate_keys:
keydata = keydata.replace(key, translate_keys[key])
with open(logFile, "a") as f:
with Listener(on_press=writeLog) as l:
How can I make the restriction if(key == Key.left or key == Key.up):
work in conjunction with the dictionary translate_keys = {"Key.up": "U","Key.left": "L",}
You can remove the quotes and compare the objects directly as shown below
def writeLog(key):
translate_keys = {
Key.up: "U",
Key.left: "L",
if key in translate_keys:
with open(logFile, "a") as f: