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How to get few specific fields for all documents in a collection With MongoDb .net Driver

I am working with "MongoDB.Driver" Version="2.9.3". I am trying to request only for specified fields. I need to perform fallowing request(works by the pypline ):

db.Segments.find({ "geometry" : { "$nearSphere" : { "$geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [6.7889999999999997, 64.412599999999998] }, "$minDistance" : 0, "$maxDistance" : 10000 } } }, {_id : 0, 'properties.be_id' : 1,'properties.rel_ltt' : 1 ,'properties.rp_co' : 1, 'properties.wenum' : 1} ).pretty();

I need to create Bson document which I can use to find specified data with restricted fields. So far I tried to parse from Json to Bson

var doc = BsonDocument.Parse("{ 'geometry' : { '$nearSphere' : { '$geometry' : { 'type' : 'Point', 'coordinates' :" +
                    " [" + geolocation.Longitude.ToString(culture) + "," + geolocation.Latitude.ToString(culture) + "] }, '$minDistance' : 0, '$maxDistance' : 10 } }}, " +
                    " {'properties.be_id' : 1,'properties.rel_lttr' : 1 ,'properties.rp_co' : 1, 'properties.wenum' : 1}}}");

And then use find method :


This approach doesn't seems to work. If anyone can help me to fix this problem I would be extremely grateful.


  • This is a simple console application.

    using MongoDB.Bson;
    using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization;
    using MongoDB.Driver;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    public class Program
        public static void Main()
                var tempPipeline = new List<BsonDocument>();
                List<string> selectFields = new List<string>();
                selectFields.Add("<your requested field 1>");
                selectFields.Add("<your requested field 2>");
                var projection = new Dictionary<string, dynamic>();
                //To include fields: Specify the field name and set to 0 in the project document.
                //Ex:- Exclue _id field
                if (!selectFields.Contains("_id"))
                    projection.Add("_id", 0);
                //Only the fields specified in the project document are returned. The _id field is returned unless it is set to 0 in the Project document.
                //To include fields: Specify the field name and set to 1 in the project document.
                foreach (var field in selectFields)
                    projection.Add(field, 1);       
                    //or else
                    //projection.Add(field, $"${field}");
                var projectStage = new BsonDocument("$project", projection.ToBsonDocument());
                PipelineDefinition<BsonDocument, BsonDocument> aggregatonPipeline = tempPipeline;
                var cursor =  GetDatabase().GetCollection<BsonDocument>("<your collection>").Aggregate(aggregatonPipeline);
               IList<dynamic> results = new List<dynamic>();
                while (cursor.MoveNext())
                    foreach (var document in cursor.Current)
        public static IMongoDatabase GetDatabase()
                var settings = new MongoClientSettings
                    // setup your db settings
                var client = new MongoClient(settings);
                return client.GetDatabase("<your database>");

    Read more to set which fields are returned:

    And more :