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Xrm.Sdk Linq with Joins and dynamic where

After a bunch of time getting my query syntactically correct it looks like the the sdk has some limitations.. i also tried a sub query with facility but it returned a IQuery (i or something). Is there a way to achieve a dynamic where clause in a Linq Xrm Query

the exception thrown

System.NotSupportedException: The method 'Where' cannot follow the method 'Select' or is not supported. Try writing the query in terms of supported methods or call the 'AsEnumerable' or 'ToList' m ethod before calling unsupported methods.

var predicate = PredicateBuilder.New<GetAllResult>(false);

if (query?.ObservationOnStart != null && query?.ObservationOnEnd != null)
    predicate.And(result =>
        result.ObservationEntity.esor_ObservationOn >= query.ObservationOnStart &&
        result.ObservationEntity.esor_ObservationOn <= query.ObservationOnEnd);

var queryable = from observationEntity in _ctx.esor_ObservationSet
        join facilityEntity in _ctx.core_FacilitySet
            on observationEntity.esor_Facility.Id equals facilityEntity.Id
        orderby observationEntity.esor_ObservationOn
        select new GetAllResult {ObservationEntity = observationEntity, FacilityEntity = facilityEntity}

// THIS throws exception

I have also tried checking the a varable and used and OR but it also throws an exception

where completedById.Equals(null) || observationEntity.esor_CompletedBy.Id.Equals(completedById)

System.NotSupportedException: Invalid 'where' condition. An entity member is invoking an invalid property or method


  • In your first code snippet, you first call:

    select new GetAllResult 

    and then


    which doesn't work. because - as you've find out - you can't call where after calling select.

    Then, in your second code snippet, you call:

    where completedById.Equals(null)

    Which doesn't work because the left hand side of the where clause has to be an entity attribute name, while completedById is apparently a variable you've delcared somewhere.

    CRM Dynamics's Linq queries must be kept pretty simple, and if you insist on using Linq (and not, say, QueryExpression), do as follows:

    // ... build you queryable, and then:
    // 1. first, call ToList()
    var records = queryable.ToList();
    // 2. then, filter it with Where()
    if (query?.ObservationOnStart != null && query?.ObservationOnEnd != null)
        records = records.Where(r =>
            r.ObservationEntity.esor_ObservationOn >= query.ObservationOnStart &&
            r.ObservationEntity.esor_ObservationOn <= query.ObservationOnEnd