I'm trying to make an HTTP/2 request with apache client. Is it possible with the below versions?
migrating the versions in my web application cost me heavy code changes. Is there any workaround to support HTTP/2 with TLSv1.3 in httpclient-4.2.5.jar?
Apache libs i'm using:
Thanks in advance.
It looks like HTTP 2 is supported only from version 5. Apache Http Client Status
The main focus of the 5.0 series is providing full-featured support for HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 and ensuring full compliance with RFC 7230, RFC 7231, RFC 7540 and RFC 7541.
According to the Apache Http Client News it is still not a stable release of version 5.
However, from Java 11, there is a new Http Client introduced with HTTP 2 support.
It supports HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2, both synchronous and asynchronous programming models