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Warning when running wsdl2h

Referring to OASIS wsn standard web services used when implementing connection to Onvif cameras, when I run

wsdl2h bw-2.wsdl

I get the following warning and no binding class is created:

Warning: WSDL "WS-BaseNotification" has no bindings to implement operations

In another words, when I do the same with Onvif wsdl's like device.wsdl it generates binding class DeviceBindingProxy. Sure, then I generate the CPP codes for this class by soapcpp2 to achieve this. But the problem now is that the warning is issued by wsdl2h and I think this may be the clue to find out what's wrong.

Any idea?


  • Generate the event part from event.wsdl, it will import all the necessary stuff.