i am trying to place an order with the coinbase pro api, but it fails because of the invalid expire_time.
i tried to pass the "cancel_after" parameter as timestamp, date string in iso format and seconds but still no success. i dont really understand what is meant by
cancel_after [optional]* min, hour, day
my params are as follows:
params = {
"product_id": "BTC-EUR",
"price": "1000.0",
"size": "0.01",
"stop_price": "1100.0",
"stop": "entry",
"time_in_force": "GTT",
"cancel_after": ?
has some faced the same problem ?
cancel_after [optional]* min, hour, day
min,hour or day muste passed as string.
there is no real datetime value you can only set:
"min" => 1 Minute
"hour" => 1 Hour
"day" => 1 Day