I have a CDK Stack which creates lambda functions and tasks. Each task uses a lambda function. Currently, the step function task is pointed only to the $LATEST
alias. My goal is to update the lambda functions version or alias and update the step function task accordingly.
Lambda creation:
createLambda(scope: cdk.Construct, name: string, lambdaPath: string, handler: string = 'app.handler', timeout: number = 900): lambda.Function {
const lambdaFunction = new lambda.Function(scope, name, {
functionName: name,
runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_10_X,
code: lambda.Code.asset(lambdaPath),
handler: handler,
timeout: Duration.seconds(timeout),
description: `Generated on: ${new Date().toISOString()}`
const version = lambdaFunction.addVersion(new Date().toISOString());
new lambda.Alias(scope, `alias-${new Date().toISOString()}`, {
aliasName: 'live',
version: version,
return lambdaFunction;
task creation :
createTask(scope: cdk.Construct,lambdaFunction: lambda.Function,duration: number = 1200,name: string): sfn.Task {
const task = new sfn.Task(scope, name, {
task: new tasks.InvokeFunction(lambdaFunction),
timeout: Duration.seconds(duration)
return task;
So my question is: Can I point to a specific lambda version within the step function task?
Ended up using the lambda ARN, whenever there's a change in the lambda, the CDK create new version and return the lambda version ARN :
createLambda(scope: cdk.Construct, name: string, lambdaPath: string, handler: string = 'app.handler', timeout: number = 900): string {
const lambdaFunction = new lambda.Function(scope, name, {
functionName: name,
runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_10_X,
code: lambda.Code.asset(lambdaPath),
handler: handler,
timeout: Duration.seconds(timeout),
const lambdaFunctionARN = lambdaFunction.addVersion(`${new Date().toISOString()}`).functionArn;
return lambdaFunctionARN;
Later, the Step functions task get the ARN as input and import the lambda function using :
const lambdaVersion = lambda.Function.fromFunctionArn(scope,'LambdaImportUsingARN',lambdaVersionARN)