PrimeNg delivers really good Calendar component which works really fine, but is there a way to close it after choosing 2 dates?
<p-calendar [(ngModel)]="rangeDates"
In documentation I noticed two interesting things as:
- Event onSelect
, unfortunately it would've work on normal calendar, where we do one press (here we need to press twice)
- Property: hideOnDateTimeSelect
, but it seems like it isnt what I'm looking for, because it doesn't work either.
I think i could've do something like:
<p-calendar [(ngModel)]="rangeDates"
private dateSelected() {
if (this.rangeDates[0] !== null && this.rangeDates[1] !== null) {
//really dont know how to do "close" right now.
The below worked for me:
<p-calendar [(ngModel)]="rangeDates"
selectionMode="range" #calendar
@ViewChild('calendar', undefined) private calendar: any;
private onSelect(){
if (this.rangeDates[1]) { // If second date is selected
I know it is pretty late to answer your question, but still answered it for people like me who are tryin to find an answer to this.