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Odoo 12 CE, Qweb-text report includes all HTML template code

As we know from Odoo 12 there is an option to define a report as Text, rather than PDF/HTML. I am testing with the native report Product Label (PDF), exactly as those guys . The result I am getting is a txt file, with all the HTML code from the generated template. A partial screenshot attached The installation is fresh, no 3th party modules, only Invoicing from odoo 12 itself. Only difference i see between me and YouTube guys is that i am testing on Community Version and the YouTube video clearly shows an Enterprise version. Any suggestions why I am getting the HTML code exported as well? Thank you in advance...


  • They used a QWEB report which does not generate HTML tags.

    Take for example the two following codes:

    <strong t-field="product.lst_price" t-options="{'widget': 'monetary', 'display_currency': product.company_id.currency_id}"/>

    And :

    <t t-esc="product.lst_price" t-options='{"widget": "float", "precision": 2}'/> <t t-esc="product.currency_id.symbol"/>

    The first one will be rendred to

    <strong><span class="oe_currency_value">68.00</span> €</strong>

    And the second one will be rendred to

    68.00 €

    You can find an example at account_zebra