Search code examples

jQuery add first part of div, then add last part of div seperatley

I'm trying to wrap the following prices and text together, all in one div.

This is what I have:

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="thePrices">
        <font class="text colors_text">
          <b>MSRP: <span class="priceis">$90.00</span></b>
        <b><font class="pricecolor colors_productprice">
                     <font class="text colors_text"><b>Burkett Price:</b></font>
        <span class="priceis">$289<sup>.99</sup></span>
        <a href="a link">A link goes here</a>
        <table>A TABLE WITH STUFF GOES HERE</table>

This is what I am trying to get:

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="thePrices">
        <div class="pricebox">**
          <font class="text colors_text">
            <b>MSRP: <span class="priceis">$90.00</span></b>
          <b><font class="pricecolor colors_productprice">
                         <font class="text colors_text"><b>Burkett Price:</b></font>
          <span class="priceis">$289<sup>.99</sup></span>
          </b><br> **
        <a href="a link">A link goes here</a>
        <table>A TABLE WITH STUFF GOES HERE</table>

This doesn't work but you get the idea of what I'm doing wrong:

$(document).ready(function () {
$('.thePrices').find('td').find('font:first').before('<div class="pricebox">');

Perhaps I should be using SLICE?


  • I think what you want is .wrapAll()
    Updated, to use .andSelf() to include <font/>

    $('.thePrices').find('td').children().first().nextUntil('a').andSelf().wrapAll('<div class="pricebox"></div>');

    Example on jsfiddle