I created a custom spring cloud data flow application.
I would like to create a stream with it and put some application properties in it, as we can add for the provided application log (0/3 properties):
I tried with application.yml
file in resources folder
toto: 'titi'
but it didn't work.
I also tried to create some Properties.class
public class Properties {
//public static final String PREFIX = "portin";
private String toto;
public Properties(String toto) {
this.toto = toto;
public Properties() {
public String getToto() {
return toto;
public void setToto(String toto) {
this.toto = toto;
and add the folowing declaration in dataflow-configuration-metadata-whitelist.properties
but that was not a success and the aplication doesn't have any property.
I couldn't find anything relevant in documentation (I am not English speaking native so I may have misread something).
Thanks for helping
EDIT after moving dataflow-configuration-metadata-whitelist.properties in META-INF folder
the whitelist property files were not under META-INF folder. Now I have this project:
but it doesn't help. The pom.xml is:
then I build the application with docker. Is there something docker specific to do then? I could read the documentation but cannot see what is missing on my project
I could do the job thanks to this post: Spring Cloud Dataflow Kubernetes get properties of jar from dockerfile The way I registered the app was wrong. Now, I add the companion metadata URI and it works