I'm working with an nls model using this formula (b1 * ((b2 * x)^b4)) / (1 + ((b2 * x)^b4))^(b3 / b4)
I use nls2 package with a random algorithm to find the initial values. This my code for the function of formula and curve:
eqn <- function(x){(b1 * ((b2 * x)^b4)) / (1 + ((b2 * x)^b4))^(b3 / b4)}
curve(eqn, data$x, data$y, col = "green", n = 6)
I don't know, if I use n = "" properly. But, I use n = 6 as the length of the equation because my data have 6 values on x and y variables.
However, when I try to make a curve for the model, it ended up on an error: object 'b1' not found.
How can I avoid this error? I avoided this error by setting up an estimated values of the variables I get using nls2 outside the structure of nls2.
For example:
b1 = 1
b2 = 5
b3 = 0.7
b4 = 9.5
**On the other hand, how to set up the values of the variables inside the curve()
for the equation without getting an error: object 'b1' not found.
, should I use start = list()
curve(eqn, data$x, data$y, col = "green", n = 6, start = list (b1 = 1, b2 = 5, b3 = 0.7, b = 9.5))
I found various examples about making a curve for a polynomial equation, but those examples already have defined values for the variables of the equation. Is there a way to set up the variables using the estimated values calculated from the nls2?
You will need to define your equation to accept the coefficients b1 to b4 as inputs like this:
eqn <- function(x, b1, b2, b3, b4){
(b1 * ((b2 * x)^b4)) / (1 + ((b2 * x)^b4))^(b3 / b4)
The pass the coefficients to the calling function like this:
curve(eqn(x, b1 = 1, b2 = 5, b3 = 0.7, b4 = 9.5), from=0, to=2, col = "green", n = 60)
You need to define the starting and stopping values for x. Also select a value for "n" a large enough value for a smooth curve, n at 6 will not be smooth.