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JSON to CSV conversion using ChoETL Some array value missing

I am converting a JSON file to a CSV file. The JSON has multiple nested objects and large size. While converting, I am able to get all the values out of the JSON and into the CSV. However, array values are missing . I am using CHOETL library. the sample json is (original json is long and big size)

    "getUsers": [
            "UserInformation": {
                "Id": 1111122,
                "firstName": "*****1",
                "UserType": {
                    "name": "CP"
                "primaryState": "MA",
                "otherState": [
                "createdAt": null
            "UserInformation": {
                "Id": 3333,
                "firstName": "*****3",
                "UserType": {
                    "name": "CPP"
                "primaryState": "MPA",
                "otherState": [
                "createdAt": null

the otherState array in first array is two but second array its four. its not showing is csv. the input json is long and nested hierarchy and mostly dynamic the code is

StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();

            using (var w = new ChoCSVWriter(msg)
                using (var r = new ChoJSONReader(@"E:/Temp/CSV/input/Data_Sample2.json")

the output is

1111122,*****1,CP,MA,MA,BA, 3333,*****3,CPP,MPA,KL,TN,


  • You will have to mention the CSV driver to scan and discover fields automatically using MaxScanRows property (default 1)

    Sample code below shows how to

    StringBuilder csv = new StringBuilder();
    using (var r = ChoJSONReader.LoadText(json)
        using (var w = new ChoCSVWriter(csv)
            .Configure(c => c.MaxScanRows = 2)
            .Configure(c => c.ThrowAndStopOnMissingField = false)