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Weighted Frequency Table in R

I'm looking to create a frequency table in R for a certain variable (INTERVIEW_DAY) , but taking into account another variable as weight (WEIGHT).

I've tried to do that with the package data.table. I would love to do it with the R-Base Package though.

Below you'll find the type of table I want, but still not weighted, which is what I'm looking to learn.


1  2.00301e+13             5 8155462.7
2  2.00301e+13             6 1735322.5
3  2.00301e+13             6 3830527.5
4  2.00301e+13             4 6622023.0
5  2.00301e+13             4 3068387.3
6  2.00301e+13             4 3455424.9
7  2.00301e+13             1 1637826.3
8  2.00301e+13             2 6574426.8
9  2.00301e+13             6 1528296.3
10 2.00301e+13             4 4277052.8
11 2.00301e+13             6 1961482.3
12 2.00301e+13             7  505227.2
13 2.00301e+13             6 2135476.8
14 2.00301e+13             3 5366309.3
15 2.00301e+13             6 1058351.1

Creating table with the packaged data.table:

df <- setDT(df)
df_freq_table <- df[,.(Freq = .N), by = INTERVIEW_DAY][, Prop := Freq / sum(Freq)][, Cum := cumsum(100 * Prop / sum(Prop))]

My output: df_freq_table[]

 INTERVIEW_DAY Freq       Prop        Cum
1:             5    1 0.06666667   6.666667
2:             6    6 0.40000000  46.666667
3:             4    4 0.26666667  73.333333
4:             1    1 0.06666667  80.000000
5:             2    1 0.06666667  86.666667
6:             7    1 0.06666667  93.333333
7:             3    1 0.06666667 100.000000


  • In base R, we can make use of xtabs/prop.table. Based on the OP's code, the cumsum is calculated from the order of occurrence of unique valuess in 'INTERVIEW_DAY'. So, to avoid the sorting based on the integer value, convert to factor with levels specified, get the sum of 'WEIGHT' by 'INTERVIEW_DAY' with xtabs, use prop.table to return the proportion, and then apply cumsum on that output

    df$INTERVIEW_DAY <- factor(df$INTERVIEW_DAY, levels = unique(df$INTERVIEW_DAY))
    tbl1 <- xtabs(WEIGHT ~ INTERVIEW_DAY, df)
    Prop <- prop.table(tbl1)
    Cum <- cumsum(100 * Prop / sum(Prop))
    #        5         6         4         1         2         7         3 
    # 15.71029  39.30705  72.86967  76.02470  88.68935  89.66260 100.00000 
    out <- data.frame(INTERVIEW_DAY = names(tbl1), Freq = as.numeric(tbl1),
                Prop = as.numeric(Prop), Cum = as.numeric(Cum))
    row.names(out) <- NULL
    #  INTERVIEW_DAY       Freq        Prop       Cum
    #1             5  8155462.7 0.157102906  15.71029
    #2             6 12249456.5 0.235967631  39.30705
    #3             4 17422888.0 0.335626124  72.86967
    #4             1  1637826.3 0.031550297  76.02470
    #5             2  6574426.8 0.126646592  88.68935
    #6             7   505227.2 0.009732453  89.66260
    #7             3  5366309.3 0.103373998 100.00000

    If we need a weighted frequency, use count

    df %>% 
      mutate(INTERVIEW_DAY = factor(INTERVIEW_DAY, levels = unique(INTERVIEW_DAY))) %>%
      count(INTERVIEW_DAY, wt = WEIGHT, sort = FALSE) %>% 
      mutate(Prop = n / sum(n),
             Cum = cumsum(100 * Prop/sum(Prop)))
    # A tibble: 7 x 4
    #  INTERVIEW_DAY         n    Prop   Cum
    #  <fct>             <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>
    #1 5              8155463. 0.157    15.7
    #2 6             12249456. 0.236    39.3
    #3 4             17422888  0.336    72.9
    #4 1              1637826. 0.0316   76.0
    #5 2              6574427. 0.127    88.7
    #6 7               505227. 0.00973  89.7
    #7 3              5366309. 0.103   100. 

    Or with data.table

    setDT(df)[, .(Freq = sum(WEIGHT)), by = INTERVIEW_DAY
      ][, Prop := Freq / sum(Freq)][, Cum := cumsum(100 * Prop / sum(Prop))][]
    #  INTERVIEW_DAY       Freq        Prop       Cum
    #1:             5  8155462.7 0.157102906  15.71029
    #2:             6 12249456.5 0.235967631  39.30705
    #3:             4 17422888.0 0.335626124  72.86967
    #4:             1  1637826.3 0.031550297  76.02470
    #5:             2  6574426.8 0.126646592  88.68935
    #6:             7   505227.2 0.009732453  89.66260
    #7:             3  5366309.3 0.103373998 100.00000


    df <- structure(list(TUCASEID = c(2.00301e+13, 2.00301e+13, 2.00301e+13, 
    2.00301e+13, 2.00301e+13, 2.00301e+13, 2.00301e+13, 2.00301e+13, 
    2.00301e+13, 2.00301e+13, 2.00301e+13, 2.00301e+13, 2.00301e+13, 
    2.00301e+13, 2.00301e+13), INTERVIEW_DAY = c(5L, 6L, 6L, 4L, 
    4L, 4L, 1L, 2L, 6L, 4L, 6L, 7L, 6L, 3L, 6L), WEIGHT = c(8155462.7, 
    1735322.5, 3830527.5, 6622023, 3068387.3, 3455424.9, 1637826.3, 
    6574426.8, 1528296.3, 4277052.8, 1961482.3, 505227.2, 2135476.8, 
    5366309.3, 1058351.1)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", 
    "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", 
    "14", "15"))