Our table has a composite primary key. There are a few use cases where we need to update the items based on just the partition key.
partitionKey sortKey
------------ ---------
10020525 208025117-xxxxx-153068323-208025401
10020525 208025117-208025475-153068323-208025401
Following is how I am currently updating: (Using Java)
UpdateItemRequest updateItemRequest = new UpdateItemRequest().withTableName("table").withKey(attMap);
UpdateItemResult updateItemResult = amazonDynamoDB.updateItem(updateItemRequest);
The 'attMap' already has the 'partitionKey' and 'sortKey'. Therefore, it does take care of updating the record matches the partition and sort key.
In a few cases (where there is a 'xxxxx' in the sort key), I want to update based on just the partitionKey.
Let me know if something is not clear. Would be happy to explain further.
Updating multiple items at once is not supported by DynamoDB. For this reason you cannot make update requests with just the partition key unless your table schema only has a partition key and no sort key.
This is probably not the answer you were hoping for but it is how DynamoDB works. You have to consider your use-cases carefully and choose a schema that works, or consider different database solutions.