I have the following Pywinauto code and timings waiting is 0.5 seconds instead of immediate. How to get itimmediately?
from pywinauto import application, timings, mouse
import time
app = application.Application()
app.connect(title = 'Mensagem')
app = app.Mensagem
app2 = app.TBPanel2
buttonCoord = int((app2.rectangle().right - app2.rectangle().left)/2/2), int((app2.rectangle().bottom - app2.rectangle().top)/2)
buttonCoord = buttonCoord[0]*(2*2-1),buttonCoord[1]
timings.Timings.after_clickinput_wait = 0.001
timings.Timings.after_setcursorpos_wait = 0.001
starttime = time.perf_counter()
#while app.Edit1.texts()[0] != '':
for i in range(10):
buttonCoord = int((app2.rectangle().right - app2.rectangle().left)/2/2), int((app2.rectangle().bottom - app2.rectangle().top)/2)
buttonCoord = buttonCoord[0]*(2*2-1),buttonCoord[1]
app2.click_input(button='left', coords=(buttonCoord))
print('Entre cliques demorou ', str(time.perf_counter()-starttime), ' segundos')
starttime = time.perf_counter()
When I run, the interval between clicks is 0.5 seconds:
Entre cliques demorou 0.4614592999999999 segundos
Entre cliques demorou 0.44403170000000003 segundos
Entre cliques demorou 0.48520320000000017 segundos
Entre cliques demorou 0.4723533999999998 segundos
Entre cliques demorou 0.46825479999999997 segundos
Entre cliques demorou 0.4439942000000001 segundos
Entre cliques demorou 0.4874373999999997 segundos
Entre cliques demorou 0.47333040000000004 segundos
Entre cliques demorou 0.46036510000000064 segundos
However, when I move my mouse frantically, it goes faster:
Entre cliques demorou 0.06659199999999998 segundos
Entre cliques demorou 0.1532768000000001 segundos
Entre cliques demorou 0.05349690000000007 segundos
Entre cliques demorou 0.049827499999999914 segundos
Entre cliques demorou 0.05078930000000015 segundos
Entre cliques demorou 0.04885250000000019 segundos
Entre cliques demorou 0.06023690000000004 segundos
Entre cliques demorou 0.048675000000000024 segundos
Entre cliques demorou 0.05394080000000012 segundos
Entre cliques demorou 0.05615450000000011 segundos
What exactly am I doing wrong?
Edit: For a more generic approach and testing, tweaked code, same results
from pywinauto import application, timings
import time
app2 = application.Application()
app2.connect(title_re = '.*Notas*') #In portuguese, Notepad is translated to 'Bloco de Notas', so change to your system name
app2 = app2.window(title_re = '.*Notas*') #same here
app2 = app2.wrapper_object()
timings.Timings.after_clickinput_wait = 0.001
timings.Timings.after_setcursorpos_wait = 0.001
starttime = time.perf_counter()
for i in range(100):
app2.click_input(button='left', coords=(100,100))
print('Between clicks took ', str(time.perf_counter()-starttime), ' seconds')
starttime = time.perf_counter()
You need to pre-search the element app2
and save it as wrapper object:
app2 = app.TBPanel2.wrapper_object()
# or
app2 = app.TBPanel2.wait('ready', timeout=10) # if you need non-default time to wait
In your current code app2 = app.TBPanel2
is a WindowSpecification
object which is just a criteria to search. So when you're calling .rectangle()
or .click_input()
the search procedure is called implicitly every time. This is described in the Getting Started Guide, Chapter "Window Specification".
Also I'd recommend to name the variable tb_panel2_spec
or tb_panel2_wrapper
instead of app2
to avoid confusion about its type.
P.S. Also the reliable cross-platform way to measure time in Python is import timeit; timeit.default_timer()
PS2: from pywinauto import mouse
is not necessary because you're using method .click_input()
The real problem is win32gui.GetDoubleClickTime()
which returns 500 ms. Method .click_input()
tries to eliminate double click this way. We can add optional parameter to disable this wait. You can workaround it by monkey patching win32gui
. Add this code at the beginning:
import win32gui
def no_double_click_time():
return 0
win32gui.GetDoubleClickTime = no_double_click_time