I am trying to update the user infos on my app.
I can add a user in my database but when I am trying to update its information, it is not working.
Here is the function that change information:
public void ChangerLanguageValue(string language)
var myuser = userinfodatabase.GetUsers();
myuser.NewsLanguage = language;
userinfodatabase.UpdateUserInfos(myuser); // this does not work
Here is my database configuration :
class UserInfosDatabase
private SQLiteConnection conn;
public UserInfosDatabase()
conn = DependencyService.Get<ISQLite>().GetConnection();
public string AddUser(MyUser localuser)
return "success";
public MyUser GetUsers()
var users = (from u in conn.Table<MyUser>() select u);
return users.ToList().FirstOrDefault();
public string UpdateUserInfos(MyUser localuser)
return "succes";
For SQLite in Xamarin.Forms we could use the plugin sqlite-net-pcl .
It has very simple methods for executing CRUD operations and queries safely (using parameters) and for retrieving the results of those query in a strongly typed fashion.
In your case , you would better update the data as async
public Task <string>UpdateUserInfos(MyUser localuser)
return "success";