How can I convert the annoying 12h time format (with AM and PM) into the 24h time format?
I wanted to avoid external programs like awk
as in this example.
Since gnuplot has a time-specifier %p
for "am" and "pm" (check help time_specifiers
), I thought it would be easy. But the following code does not give the correct result, but a warning message:
warning: Bad time format in string
Maybe, I'm using %p
### change 12h time format to 24h format (does not give correct results)
reset session
$Data12 <<EOD
12/31/19 8:12:01 AM
12/31/19 8:12:02 PM
12/31/19 12:00:03 am
12/31/19 12:00:04 pm
myTimeFmt12 = "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S %p"
myTimeFmt24 = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"
set table $Data24
plot $Data12 u (strftime(myTimeFmt24,timecolumn(1,myTimeFmt12))) w table
unset table
print $Data24
### end of code
"tbTime12to24.plt" line 15: warning: Bad time format in string
"tbTime12to24.plt" line 15: warning: Bad time format in string
"tbTime12to24.plt" line 15: warning: Bad time format in string
"tbTime12to24.plt" line 15: warning: Bad time format in string
31.12.2019 08:12:01
31.12.2019 08:12:02
31.12.2019 12:00:03
31.12.2019 12:00:04
That's a somewhat "lengthy" solution I have come up with by defining my own formula, although I was hoping for a short "gnuplot-integrated" solution.
Code: (edit: simplified workaround for gnuplot >=5.2.0, covers a.m.
and p.m.
as well)
### change 12h time format to 24h format
reset session
$Data12 <<EOD
12/31/19 8:12:01 AM
12/31/19 8:12:02 a.m.
12/31/19 8:12:03 PM
12/31/19 8:12:04 p.m.
12/31/19 12:00:05 am
12/31/19 12:00:06 a.m.
12/31/19 12:00:07 pm
12/31/19 12:00:08 p.m.
myTimeFmt12 = "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S"
myTimeFmt24 = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"
# change 12h am/pm format to 24h format
myTime12to24(colT,colM) = (_t = timecolumn(colT,myTimeFmt12), _p=strcol(colM), \
strftime(myTimeFmt24, _t + 12*3600*( \
((_p eq "PM" || _p eq "pm" || _p eq "p.m.") ? 1 : 0) + (floor(_t/3600)%12==0 ? -1 : 0))))
set table $Data24
plot $Data12 u (myTime12to24(1,3)) w table
unset table
print $Data24
### end of code
31.12.2019 08:12:01
31.12.2019 08:12:02
31.12.2019 20:12:03
31.12.2019 20:12:04
31.12.2019 00:00:05
31.12.2019 00:00:06
31.12.2019 12:00:07
31.12.2019 12:00:08
Code: (since gnuplot >=5.4.0, %p
is also implemented as input format, but it is not intended to cover a.m.
and p.m.
. I agree that not all variations of this unfortunate time format can be taken into account.)
### change 12h time format to 24h format
reset session
$Data12 <<EOD
12/31/19 8:12:01 AM
12/31/19 8:12:02 a.m.
12/31/19 8:12:03 PM
12/31/19 8:12:04 p.m.
12/31/19 12:00:05 am
12/31/19 12:00:06 a.m.
12/31/19 12:00:07 pm
12/31/19 12:00:08 p.m.
myTimeFmt12 = "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S %p"
myTimeFmt24 = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"
set table $Data24
plot $Data12 u (strftime(myTimeFmt24,timecolumn(1,myTimeFmt12))) w table
unset table
print $Data24
### end of code
31.12.2019 08:12:01
31.12.2019 08:12:02
31.12.2019 20:12:03
31.12.2019 08:12:04 # not correct
31.12.2019 00:00:05
31.12.2019 12:00:06 # not correct
31.12.2019 12:00:07
31.12.2019 12:00:08