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Setting minValue of date field dynamically in Content Navigator Entry Template

I am having a requirement in ICN Entry Template to prevent user from selecting a back date. I understand that this can be achieved using EDS and I have partly done it. I am able to set the MinValue to a static/hard coded date. But I am not very sure how to set the MinValue dynamically.

This is how I have done it.

{ "symbolicName": "date1", "label": "Date 1 : ", "minValue": "1982-09-10T01:18:17Z" }

This is how I want it to be:

{ "symbolicName": "date1", "label": "Date 1", "minValue": {now} OR {today} }

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.


  • You are right, this is a problem I usually solve with EDS. What you need is Java servlet which dynamically generates the JSON. To avoid handling all the JSON stuff yourself you can use this library to do most of the work for you.

    DISCLAIMER: I am the author of this library.

    Using this library your specific problem can be solved as follows:

    • Create a simple Java project using Maven
    • Add the following dependencies to your pom.xml
    • I also had to add this to keep Maven happy:
    • Implement the servlet with the following code:
    @WebServlet(description = "An example of an EDS servlet.", urlPatterns = { "/type/*", "/types" })
    public class DateSampleEDS extends AbstractEDSServlet {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 0xC00L;
        public String[] getObjectTypeNames(String repositoryId) {
            return new String[] {"TestDocumentClass1"};
        public void handleRequest(ExternalDataRequest dataRequest, ExternalDataResponse dataResponse) {
            Property property = dataRequest.getProperty("TestDateProperty1");
            if ( property != null) {
        private Calendar getToday() {
            Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance( TimeZone.getDefault() );
            calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, calendar.getActualMinimum(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));
            calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, calendar.getActualMinimum(Calendar.MINUTE));
            calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, calendar.getActualMinimum(Calendar.SECOND));
            calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, calendar.getActualMinimum(Calendar.MILLISECOND));
            return calendar;
    • Deploy this servlet to WebSphere and point your EDS configuration to this servlet.

    • Now you cannot enter a date in the past for the property TestDateProperty1 for the class TestDocumentClass1:

    Entry Template Screenshot