gcloud iam service-accounts list --project=<MY_PROJECT>
shows a number of service accounts that simply do not appear in the IAM Cloud Console.
Why is this?
I made sure that it is the same project; that there is no second page in the Console listing; and that some of the same service accounts do appear in the Console.
The missing ones were created to report on a Kubernetes cluster and take the form
The link provided it's meant to show the roles associated with the accounts. To list the accounts in your project you need to go to the Service Accounts tab of IAM, you may use this link or follow this documentation.
Editing the question to include the information posted in comments, therefore I will set it as community wiki:
@joshua-fox: Documentation states that accounts without permissions won't show in IAM page.
@john-hanley: Accounts automatically created by Google won't show under IAM but will show under "Service Accounts". If you modify these accounts permissions then they will appear on IAM. Accounts might be created when certain services are enabled (ex: App Engine).