I have this code :
var Collide = MoveAndCollide(new Vector2(speed.y * (float)Math.Cos(teta), speed.y * (float)Math.Sin(teta)));
if (Collide != null)
/* I need to get colliding objects parent node name here*/
Here is my tree hierarchy:
Red ones are objects which are colliding. Green one is which one i want to get its name in string format.
I found solution myself this one works :
var Collide = MoveAndCollide(new Vector2(speed.y * (float)Math.Cos(teta), speed.y * (float)Math.Sin(teta)));
//Just defined a MoveAndCollide
if (Collide != null)
var x = (Godot.Node2D)Collide.Collider;
//Use collider as a Godot Node or Node2D
//then you can access Node properties and method like GetName()
GD.PrintS(x.GetName()); // Returned speedBoost for me