I am getting the above console error. Trying to work with Angular material latest version, 8.2.3.
I have the following imports line wrt angular material in my app.module.ts --
import { MatInputModule, MatButtonModule, MatSelectModule, MatIconModule, MatCard } from '@angular/material';
And imports section --
imports: [
The relevant html portion --
<mat-card class="login-method camera" [hidden]="loginMethod!=='camera'">
<img [hidden]="!imageUrl" [src]="imageUrl" />
<app-camera-snapshot [imageUrl]="imageUrl" (imageCreated)="imageChanged($event)"></app-camera-snapshot>
<mat-card class="login-method upload" [hidden]="loginMethod!=='upload'">
<img [hidden]="!imageUrl" [src]="imageUrl" />
<app-image-picker [imageUrl]="imageUrl" (imagePicked)="imageChanged($event)"></app-image-picker>
To be noted, I tried my code by replacing 'mat' with 'md' also. Just in case. I also tried by using MatCardContent instead of just MatCard import in my app.module.ts. No that did not work either. The complete error message is --
Uncaught Error: Unexpected directive 'MatCard' imported by the module 'AppModule'. Please add a @NgModule annotation.
I am starting to understand why many developers including some of my friends try to avoid angular material! But situations are such, that in my proj. I am bound to utilizing it. Can you tell my simply what's happening here (or not)? There are several github links on the same type of scenario (MatTableDataSource) but none point to a clear approved and accepted answer.
Some help please,
Change your import of MatCard
to below:
import { MatCardModule } from '@angular/material/card';
Or your existing one:
import { MatCardModule } from '@angular/material';
Both work fine.