I need to replace ip-netmask
with fqdn
if dns resolution is successful.
This script will be used to replace values in a config file.
If DNS is resolved, I need to change the property name of ip-netmask
to fqdn
and store the new dns value under it. The script resolves DNS and only updates ip-netmask if successful, and is also adding an fqdn property with the DNS value if successful.
Seems like I’m sort of there, but I am not able to rename ip-netmask to fqdn, or just delete the ip-netmask property without making my fqdn property null
From original json input
Here's my script
$a = Get-Content 'C:\Users\e\Desktop\puttytest1.json' | ConvertFrom-Json
$a.entry | ForEach-Object {
if ($namehost = (Resolve-DnsName $_.'ip-netmask').namehost) {
$_.'ip-netmask' = $namehost
$_ | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name fqdn -Value ip-netmask
$newjson = $a | ConvertTo-Json
And here's the output:
"entry": [
"@name": "",
"ip-netmask": "",
"description": "Test1"
"@name": "",
"ip-netmask": "",
"description": "test2"
"@name": "",
"ip-netmask": "l37-193-217-222.novotelecom.ru",
"description": "test3",
"fqdn": "l37-193-217-222.novotelecom.ru"
You shouldn't try to rename an existing property, but instead remove it and add the new NoteProperty to the object, like this:
$newjson = $a.entry | ForEach-Object {
if ($namehost = (Resolve-DnsName $_.'ip-netmask').namehost) {
# remove the 'ip-netmask' property
# add a new NoteProperty 'fqdn'
$_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'fqdn' -Value $namehost
} | ConvertTo-Json
However, I believe you're using the wrong method for retrieving the fqdn from an IP address.. Shouldn't that be:
$newjson = $a.entry | ForEach-Object {
if ($namehost = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByAddress($($_.'ip-netmask')).HostName) {
# remove the 'ip-netmask' property
# add a new NoteProperty 'fqdn'
$_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'fqdn' -Value $namehost
} | ConvertTo-Json
Hope that helps
To maintain that order, use
$newjson = $a.entry | ForEach-Object {
if ($namehost = (Resolve-DnsName $_.'ip-netmask').namehost) {
# output a new object with properties ordered like you want them to be
$_ | Select-Object '@name', @{Name = 'fqdn'; Expression = {$namehost}}, 'description'
else {
# output the object unchanged
} | ConvertTo-Json